Our list of famous October birthday baby names shows everyone from pop stars to presidents and even American heroes . Your baby may also join the list of U.S. Presidents this month. There are also whole lists of celebrities who share a spooky birthday on Halloween, October 31. Whether you have a birthday this month or are expecting a baby in the month of October, check out your birthday twin!
October 31
- Willow Smith
- Vanilla Ice
- Dermot Mulroney
- Michael Landon
- Director Peter Jackson
- Christopher Columbus
- John Keats
October horoscopes and holidays
As far as horoscopes for this month, if you were born between September 23 and October 22 you are a Libra. If you were born between October 23 and November 21 then you are a Scorpio. Halloween is the most popular holiday this month on October 31, however you may not want to miss National Chocolate Cupcake Day on October 18! Canada celebrates Thanksgiving on October 8, while here in the U.S. we celebrate Columbus Day on that day.
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Spooky baby names