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'I want to eat your baby' and 9 other things never to say to new parents


Parents with a newborn baby are in the thick of it. They want you to come over and toast their new protégé because they are so desperate for human contact. But they are also bleary-eyed and exhausted and don't know night from day. They can't tell if you're complimenting or insulting. Choose your words wisely.

Surely no one would insult a baby? You'd be surprised. I've accidentally done it several times myself. As a rule of thumb, it's best to steer clear of commenting on a new baby's appearance, unless you plan to use guaranteed safe words like adorable, cute, adorable and cute, cute, cute. (When in doubt, stick with "cute.")

What sounds like an innocent observation can come off as a slam against a new creation. Commenting on a baby's big ears that are "just like daddy's" will never go over well. It's common knowledge that babies are kind of "smushed," waterlogged and cone-y when they come out. If you want to preserve your friendship and prevent a potential new parent freak out, do not acknowledge the newborn baby elephant in the room.

Newborns look weird. New parents need your support. Tell them what they so desperately want to hear and offer to make them coffee while they put their feet up and relax. Everybody wins.

Make sure these 10 things never come out of your mouth if you want to see your new mom friend again.

1. "I want to eat your baby!"

Stare | Sheknows.com

Photo credit: tvguide.com/Bravo

2. "I want to bite off all his tiny fingers and widdle toes"

Elegant | Sheknows.com

Photo credit: tumblr.com/ABC

3. "Aw, his head's still all pointy from the birth canal"

Don't look | Sheknows.com

Photo credit: tumblr.com/Bravo

4. "Does that baby acne go away?"

Fix it! | Sheknows.com

Photo credit: buzzfeed.com/Bravo

5. "Why's his hair missing on one side?"

LOL | Sheknows.com

Photo credit: wifflegif.com/HBO

6. "He's so cute — he doesn't look anything like you"

The Heck? | Sheknows.com

Photo credit: tvandmoviesplusgifs.tumblr.com/Bravo

7. "He's HUGE — how did you do it?"

Dead inside | Sheknows.com

Photo credit: whatculture.com/NBC

8. "He's TINY — must've slipped right out"

Not exactly... | Sheknows.com

Photo credit: perezhilton.com/Bravo

9. "He looks sleepier than Mama"

Whose fault is that? | Sheknows.com

Photo credit: blog.muchmusic.com/HBO

10. "When are you going to have the next one?"

Forget you | Sheknows.com

Photo credit: allgeektome.net/HBO

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